
Function summary
partition &rest args
partition-if &rest args
partition-if-not &rest args
split-sequence delimiter seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (test nil test-supplied) (test-not nil test-not-supplied) (key nil key-supplied)
split-sequence-if predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied)
split-sequence-if-not predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied)
split-sequence   delimiter seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (test nil test-supplied) (test-not nil test-not-supplied) (key nil key-supplied)  [Function]

Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by delimiter.

If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included in the result; otherwise they will be discarded. All other keywords work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE. In particular, the behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless :count is supplied. The second return value is an index suitable as an argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing stopped.

split-sequence-if   predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied)  [Function]

Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by items satisfying predicate.

If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included in the result; otherwise they will be discarded. All other keywords work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE-IF. In particular, the behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless :count is supplied. The second return value is an index suitable as an argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing stopped.

split-sequence-if-not   predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied)  [Function]

Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by items satisfying (CL:COMPLEMENT predicate).

If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included in the result; otherwise they will be discarded. All other keywords work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT. In particular, the behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless :count is supplied. The second return value is an index suitable as an argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing stopped.

partition   &rest args  [Function]
partition-if   &rest args  [Function]
partition-if-not   &rest args  [Function]