
Structure summary
Function summary
copy-xml-element xml-element
first-xml-element-child xml-element
make-xml-element &key name attributes children
new-xml-element name &rest children
(setf xml-element-attribute) value xml-element key
standard-finish-element-hook name attributes parent-seed seed
standard-new-element-hook name attributes seed
standard-text-hook string seed
xml-element-attribute xml-element key
xml-element-attributes xml-element
xml-element-children xml-element
xml-element-name xml-element
xml-element-p object
xml-equal xml-1 xml-2
xml-element    [Structure]
xml-element-children   xml-element  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the children of the specified xml-element

xml-element-attributes   xml-element  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the attributes of the specified xml-element

xml-element-name   xml-element  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified xml-element

make-xml-element   &key name attributes children  [Function]

Returns a newly created xml-element.

copy-xml-element   xml-element  [Function]

Returns a copy of the specified xml-element.

xml-element-p   object  [Function]

Returns T if the specified object is of type xml-element.

xml-element-attribute   xml-element key  [Function]

Return the string value of the attribute with name the keyword :key of xml-element if any, return null if not found

(setf xml-element-attribute)   value xml-element key  [Function]

Set the string value of the attribute with name the keyword :key of xml-element, creating a new attribute if necessary or overwriting an existing one, returning the value

new-xml-element   name &rest children  [Function]

Make a new xml-element with name and children

first-xml-element-child   xml-element  [Function]

Get the first child of an xml-element

xml-equal   xml-1 xml-2  [Function]
standard-new-element-hook   name attributes seed  [Function]
standard-finish-element-hook   name attributes parent-seed seed  [Function]
standard-text-hook   string seed  [Function]