
Constant summary
+newline+ (make-string 1 :initial-element #\Newline)
+spaces+ (make-string 2000 :initial-element #\ :element-type 'base-char)
Macro summary
defconstant name value &optional doc
+newline+   (make-string 1 :initial-element #\Newline)  [Constant]

Used for indentation.

+spaces+   (make-string 2000 :initial-element #\ :element-type 'base-char)  [Constant]

Used for indentation.

*prologue*    [Variable]

This is the first line that'll be printed if the :PROLOGUE keyword argument is T

*escape-char-p*    [Variable]

Used by ESCAPE-STRING to test whether a character should be escaped.

*indent*    [Variable]

Whether to insert line breaks and indent. Also controls amount of indentation dynamically.

*html-mode*    [Variable]

:SGML for (SGML-)HTML, :XML (default) for XHTML.

*downcase-tokens-p*    [Variable]

If NIL, a keyword symbol representing a tag or attribute name will not be automatically converted to lowercase. This is useful when one needs to output case sensitive XML.

*attribute-quote-char*    [Variable]

Quote character for attributes.

*empty-tag-end*    [Variable]

End of an empty tag. Default is XML style.

*html-empty-tags*    [Variable]

The list of HTML tags that should be output as empty tags. See *HTML-EMPTY-TAG-AWARE-P*.

*html-empty-tag-aware-p*    [Variable]

Set this to NIL to if you want to use CL-WHO as a strict XML generator. Otherwise, CL-WHO will only write empty tags listed in *HTML-EMPTY-TAGS* as <tag/> (XHTML mode) or <tag> (SGML mode). For all other tags, it will always generate <tag></tag>.

defconstant   name value &optional doc  [Macro]

Make sure VALUE is evaluated only once (to appease SBCL).