
Class summary
basic-load-op inherits from operation
c-source-file inherits from source-file
cl-source-file inherits from source-file
compile-op inherits from operation
doc-file inherits from static-file
html-file inherits from doc-file
java-source-file inherits from source-file
load-op inherits from basic-load-op
load-source-op inherits from basic-load-op
module inherits from component
source-file inherits from component
static-file inherits from source-file
system inherits from module
test-op inherits from operation
Condition summary
circular-dependency inherits from system-definition-error
compile-error inherits from operation-error
compile-failed inherits from compile-error
compile-warned inherits from compile-error
duplicate-names inherits from system-definition-error
formatted-system-definition-error inherits from system-definition-error
missing-component inherits from system-definition-error
missing-component-of-version inherits from missing-component
missing-dependency inherits from missing-component
missing-dependency-of-version inherits from missing-dependency and missing-component-of-version
operation-error inherits from error
system-definition-error inherits from error
Method summary
circular-dependency-components circular-dependency
compile-op-proclamations compile-op
component-depends-on operation component
component-inline-methods component
component-name component
component-operation-times component
component-parent component
component-pathname component
component-properties component
component-property component property
component-relative-pathname component
component-self-dependencies operation component
component-system component
component-version component
component-visited-p operation component
component-visiting-p operation component
duplicate-names-name duplicate-names
error-component operation-error
error-operation operation-error
explain operation component
find-component module name &optional version
format-arguments formatted-system-definition-error
format-control formatted-system-definition-error
input-files operation component
load-preferences system operation
missing-parent missing-component
missing-required-by missing-dependency
missing-requires missing-component
missing-version missing-component-of-version
module-components module
module-default-component-class module
module-if-component-dep-fails module
operation-ancestor operation
operation-done-p operation component
operation-forced operation
operation-on-failure compile-op
operation-on-warnings compile-op
operation-original-initargs operation
operation-parent operation
operation-visited-nodes operation
operation-visiting-nodes operation
output-files operation component
perform operation component
preference-file-for-system/operation system operation
print-object (c missing-dependency) s
print-object (c missing-component) s
print-object (c missing-component-of-version) s
print-object (c component) stream
print-object (o operation) stream
(setf component-property) new-value component property
(setf visiting-component) new-value operation component
shared-initialize (operation operation) slot-names &key force &allow-other-keys
source-file-type component system
system-author system
system-description system
system-licence system
system-license system
system-long-description system
system-maintainer system
traverse operation component
version-satisfies component version
visit-component operation component data
Function summary
check-component-input type name weakly-depends-on depends-on components in-order-to
class-for-type parent type
coerce-name name
component-parent-pathname component
find-system name &optional (error-p t)
make-sub-operation c o dep-c dep-o
maybe-add-tree tree op1 op2 c
node-for o c
oos operation-class system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version
operate operation-class system &rest args &key (verbose t) version &allow-other-keys
parse-component-form parent options
pathname-sans-name+type pathname
register-system name system
remove-keys key-names args
remove-keyword key arglist
resolve-symlinks path
run-shell-command control-string &rest args
split string &optional max (ws '(#\ #\Tab))
sysdef-central-registry-search system
sysdef-error format &rest arguments
sysdef-error-component msg type name value
system-definition-pathname system
system-registered-p name
system-relative-pathname system pathname &key name type
system-source-directory system-name
system-source-file system-name
union-of-dependencies &rest deps
%remove-component-inline-methods ret rest
Macro summary
aif test then &optional else
defsystem name &body options
ASDF    [Package]
component    [Class]
:name    [Initarg]
:version    [Initarg]
:in-order-to    [Initarg]
:do-first    [Initarg]
:parent    [Initarg]
:pathname    [Initarg]
:properties    [Initarg]
name    [Slot]

Component name: designator for a string composed of portable pathname characters

component-properties   component  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the properties of the specified component

component-operation-times   component  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the operation-times of the specified component

component-parent   component  [Generic function]

Returns the parent of the specified component

component-inline-methods   component  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the inline-methods of the specified component

component-version   component  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the version of the specified component

component-name   component  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified component

module   inherits from component  [Class]
:components    [Initarg]
:if-component-dep-fails    [Initarg]
:default-component-class    [Initarg]
module-default-component-class   module  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the default-component-class of the specified module

module-if-component-dep-fails   module  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the if-component-dep-fails of the specified module

module-components   module  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the components of the specified module

system   inherits from module  [Class]
:description    [Initarg]
:long-description    [Initarg]
:author    [Initarg]
:maintainer    [Initarg]
:licence :license    [Initarg]
system-licence   system  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the licence of the specified system

system-license   system  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the licence of the specified system

system-maintainer   system  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the maintainer of the specified system

system-author   system  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the author of the specified system

system-long-description   system  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the long-description of the specified system

system-description   system  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the description of the specified system

source-file   inherits from component  [Class]
cl-source-file   inherits from source-file  [Class]
c-source-file   inherits from source-file  [Class]
java-source-file   inherits from source-file  [Class]
static-file   inherits from source-file  [Class]
doc-file   inherits from static-file  [Class]
html-file   inherits from doc-file  [Class]
operation    [Class]
:force    [Initarg]
:original-initargs    [Initarg]
:parent    [Initarg]
operation-parent   operation  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the parent of the specified operation

operation-visiting-nodes   operation  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the visiting-nodes of the specified operation

operation-visited-nodes   operation  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the visited-nodes of the specified operation

operation-original-initargs   operation  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the original-initargs of the specified operation

operation-forced   operation  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the forced of the specified operation

compile-op   inherits from operation  [Class]
:proclamations    [Initarg]
:on-warnings    [Initarg]
:on-failure    [Initarg]
operation-on-failure   compile-op  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the on-failure of the specified compile-op

operation-on-warnings   compile-op  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the on-warnings of the specified compile-op

compile-op-proclamations   compile-op  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the proclamations of the specified compile-op

basic-load-op   inherits from operation  [Class]
load-op   inherits from basic-load-op  [Class]
load-source-op   inherits from basic-load-op  [Class]
test-op   inherits from operation  [Class]
system-definition-error   inherits from error  [Condition]
formatted-system-definition-error   inherits from system-definition-error  [Condition]
:format-control    [Initarg]
:format-arguments    [Initarg]
format-arguments   formatted-system-definition-error  [Generic function]

Returns the format-arguments of the specified formatted-system-definition-error

format-control   formatted-system-definition-error  [Generic function]

Returns the format-control of the specified formatted-system-definition-error

circular-dependency   inherits from system-definition-error  [Condition]
:components    [Initarg]
circular-dependency-components   circular-dependency  [Generic function]

Returns the components of the specified circular-dependency

duplicate-names   inherits from system-definition-error  [Condition]
:name    [Initarg]
duplicate-names-name   duplicate-names  [Generic function]

Returns the name of the specified duplicate-names

missing-component   inherits from system-definition-error  [Condition]
:requires    [Initarg]
:parent    [Initarg]
missing-parent   missing-component  [Generic function]

Returns the parent of the specified missing-component

missing-requires   missing-component  [Generic function]

Returns the requires of the specified missing-component

missing-component-of-version   inherits from missing-component  [Condition]
:version    [Initarg]
missing-version   missing-component-of-version  [Generic function]

Returns the version of the specified missing-component-of-version

missing-dependency   inherits from missing-component  [Condition]
:required-by    [Initarg]
missing-required-by   missing-dependency  [Generic function]

Returns the required-by of the specified missing-dependency

missing-dependency-of-version   inherits from missing-dependency and missing-component-of-version  [Condition]
operation-error   inherits from error  [Condition]
:component    [Initarg]
:operation    [Initarg]
error-operation   operation-error  [Generic function]

Returns the operation of the specified operation-error

error-component   operation-error  [Generic function]

Returns the component of the specified operation-error

compile-error   inherits from operation-error  [Condition]
compile-failed   inherits from compile-error  [Condition]
compile-warned   inherits from compile-error  [Condition]
*asdf-revision*    [Variable]
*load-preference-files*    [Variable]

If true, then preference files will be loaded.

This variable will be removed August 2008.

*compile-file-warnings-behaviour*    [Variable]
*compile-file-failure-behaviour*    [Variable]
*verbose-out*    [Variable]
+asdf-methods+    [Variable]
*defined-systems*    [Variable]
*system-definition-search-functions*    [Variable]
*central-registry*    [Variable]
*operate-docstring*    [Variable]
*serial-depends-on*    [Variable]
component-system   component  [Generic function]

Find the top-level system containing COMPONENT

component-pathname   component  [Generic function]

Extracts the pathname applicable for a particular component.

component-relative-pathname   component  [Generic function]

Extracts the relative pathname applicable for a particular component.

component-property   component property  [Generic function]
(setf component-property)   new-value component property  [Generic function]
version-satisfies   component version  [Generic function]
find-component   module name &optional version  [Generic function]

Finds the component with name NAME present in the MODULE module; if MODULE is nil, then the component is assumed to be a system.

source-file-type   component system  [Generic function]
perform   operation component  [Generic function]
operation-done-p   operation component  [Generic function]
explain   operation component  [Generic function]
output-files   operation component  [Generic function]
input-files   operation component  [Generic function]
operation-ancestor   operation  [Generic function]

Recursively chase the operation's parent pointer until we get to the head of the tree

component-visited-p   operation component  [Generic function]
visit-component   operation component data  [Generic function]
(setf visiting-component)   new-value operation component  [Generic function]
component-visiting-p   operation component  [Generic function]
component-depends-on   operation component  [Generic function]

Returns a list of dependencies needed by the component to perform the operation. A dependency has one of the following forms:

(<operation> <component>*), where <operation> is a class designator and each <component> is a component designator, which means that the component depends on <operation> having been performed on each <component>; or

(FEATURE <feature>), which means that the component depends on <feature>'s presence in *FEATURES*.

Methods specialized on subclasses of existing component types should usually append the results of CALL-NEXT-METHOD to the list.

component-self-dependencies   operation component  [Generic function]
traverse   operation component  [Generic function]
load-preferences   system operation  [Generic function]

Deprecated - will be removed August 2008

Called to load system preferences after <perform operation system>. Typical uses are to set parameters that don't exist until after the system has been loaded.

preference-file-for-system/operation   system operation  [Generic function]

Deprecated - will be removed August 2008

Returns the pathname of the preference file for this system. Called by 'load-preferences to determine what file to load.

print-object   (c missing-dependency) s  [Method]
print-object   (c missing-component) s  [Method]
print-object   (c missing-component-of-version) s  [Method]
print-object   (c component) stream  [Method]
print-object   (o operation) stream  [Method]
shared-initialize   (operation operation) slot-names &key force &allow-other-keys  [After method]
pathname-sans-name+type   pathname  [Function]

Returns a new pathname with same HOST, DEVICE, DIRECTORY as PATHNAME, and NIL NAME and TYPE components

sysdef-error   format &rest arguments  [Function]
component-parent-pathname   component  [Function]
split   string &optional max (ws '(#\ #\Tab))  [Function]
coerce-name   name  [Function]
system-definition-pathname   system  [Function]
sysdef-central-registry-search   system  [Function]
make-temporary-package    [Function]
find-system   name &optional (error-p t)  [Function]
register-system   name system  [Function]
system-registered-p   name  [Function]
node-for   o c  [Function]
make-sub-operation   c o dep-c dep-o  [Function]
operate   operation-class system &rest args &key (verbose t) version &allow-other-keys  [Function]
oos   operation-class system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version  [Function]
remove-keyword   key arglist  [Function]
class-for-type   parent type  [Function]
maybe-add-tree   tree op1 op2 c  [Function]

Add the node C at /OP1/OP2 in TREE, unless it's there already. Returns the new tree (which probably shares structure with the old one)

union-of-dependencies   &rest deps  [Function]
remove-keys   key-names args  [Function]
parse-component-form   parent options  [Function]
%remove-component-inline-methods   ret rest  [Function]
check-component-input   type name weakly-depends-on depends-on components in-order-to  [Function]

A partial test of the values of a component.

sysdef-error-component   msg type name value  [Function]
resolve-symlinks   path  [Function]
run-shell-command   control-string &rest args  [Function]

Interpolate ARGS into CONTROL-STRING as if by FORMAT, and synchronously execute the result using a Bourne-compatible shell, with output to *VERBOSE-OUT*. Returns the shell's exit code.

system-source-file   system-name  [Function]
system-source-directory   system-name  [Function]
system-relative-pathname   system pathname &key name type  [Function]
aif   test then &optional else  [Macro]
defsystem   name &body options  [Macro]