Source of Nothingness - WHEN

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[[About:self:AboutPage.txt]] | [[Profile:file/southly/]] | [[まとめ:self:1163859357.txt]] | [[オリジナル:]] | [[xyzzy:lisp/]] | [[あんてな:listall]] | [[■:lisp]] | [[buzz:files/southly#buzz]]

* 2010-02-28 :

; registering #<SYSTEM SB-GROVEL {B4F1921}> as SB-GROVEL
; compilation unit aborted
;   caught 1 fatal ERROR condition

Error running init-common-lisp-controller-v4: Lock on package SB-IMPL violated
                                              when interning NATIVE-FILE-KIND.
See also:
  The SBCL Manual, Node "Package Locks"

--- /usr/share/common-lisp/source/common-lisp-controller/post-sysdef-install.lisp~      2010-02-28 17:58:19.000000000 +0900
+++ /usr/share/common-lisp/source/common-lisp-controller/post-sysdef-install.lisp       2010-02-28 18:01:36.000000000 +0900
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 (defun get-owner-and-mode (directory)
   (when (eq :directory
-           (sb-impl::native-file-kind (namestring directory)))
+           (sb-unix::unix-file-kind (namestring directory)))
     ;; check who owns it
     (multiple-value-bind (res dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime)
        (sb-unix:unix-stat (namestring directory))
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure common-lisp-controller

* 2010-01-20

diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3667c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*-
+;;; Package Management
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :hige
+  (:use :cl)
+  #+ABCL (:shadow :y-or-n-p)
+  (:export #:pin
+           #:pon
+           #:pun
+           #:pan
+           #:pen))
diff --git a/scheme_baton.asd b/scheme_baton.asd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2d9ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheme_baton.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(defsystem :scheme_baton
+  :serial t
+  :components ((:file "package") (:file "scheme_baton"))
+  )
diff --git a/scheme_baton.lisp b/scheme_baton.lisp
index 27713dc..fc50ad7 100644
--- a/scheme_baton.lisp
+++ b/scheme_baton.lisp
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 ;;   8. masatoi ( n択問題(hige:pen)を実装.英単語から意味を問うのと意味から英単語を問うのと選べる.named-let使いまくり.
 ;;   9. cranebird ( CL と言えばマルチパラダイムなので CLOS を。with-系のマクロを追加。
 ;;  10. smeghead ( 単語のスコアを導入した。問題の単語表示時にスコアを表示するようにした。単語の一覧表示(hige:pun)にキーワード引数 score-thresholdを追加。
+;;  11. NANRI ( デバッグとちょっとした整理。あと (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :scheme_baton) でロードできるようにした。
 ;; =================================================================================================================================================
 ;;                            これより下がコードとその説明 - 変更・削除歓迎
@@ -79,18 +80,6 @@
 ;; ■辞書ファイルの例
-;;; Package Management
-(in-package :cl-user)
-(defpackage :hige
-  (:use :cl)
-  #+ABCL (:shadow :y-or-n-p)
-  (:export #:pin
-           #:pon
-           #:pun
-           #:pan
-           #:pen))
 (in-package :hige)
 ;;quek-san's without cl-ppcre
@@ -177,25 +166,25 @@
        (format *debug-io* "done~%"))
-(defmacro with-entries ((entry) &rest body)
+(defmacro do-entries ((entry) &rest body)
   `(dolist (,entry (entries-of *dict*))
 ;;; Top-Level Functions
 (defun pin ()
   "Register new entries to the dictionary."
-  (unless *dict-file*
-    (ensure-directories-exist *dict-file*))
   (with-dict ()
-    (loop (add-entry (prompt-for-entry))
-       (if (not (y-or-n-p "Another words to register? [yn]: ")) (return)))))
+    (loop 
+      (add-entry (prompt-for-entry))
+      (unless (y-or-n-p "Another words to register? [yn]: ")
+        (return)))))
 (defun pon ()
   "Start self-study english vocabulary quiz."
   (with-dict ()
-    (with-entries (e)
+    (do-entries (e)
       (p "~&~A (score: ~D): " (read-aloud (entry-word e)) (entry-score e))
-      (ready?)
+      #-ABCL (ready?)
       #-ABCL (p "~&~A [Ynq]: " (entry-meaning e))
       (case (query #+ABCL (entry-meaning e))
@@ -209,12 +198,12 @@
 (defun pan ()
   "Search the word user has input from the dictionary"
   (with-dict (:read-only t)
-    (let ((word (intern (prompt-read "Word to search") :hige)))
+    (let ((word (intern (prompt-read "Word to search") #.*package*)))
       (format t "~A" (or (search-dict word) "Not found.")))))
 (defun pun (&key score-threshold)
-  (if (and score-threshold
-           (not (numberp score-threshold)))
+  (when (and score-threshold
+             (not (numberp score-threshold)))
     (error "pun: score-threshold must be number."))
   (dump-dict :score-threshold score-threshold))
@@ -226,7 +215,7 @@
   (with-dict ()
     (when (> n-choice (length (entries-of *dict*))) ; 辞書の長さチェック
       (error "Dictionary size is too small .~%"))
-    (with-entries (e)
+    (do-entries (e)
       (p "~&~A (score: ~D): "
          (if meaning? (entry-meaning e) (read-aloud (entry-word e)))
          (entry-score e))
@@ -239,13 +228,15 @@
            :do (p "~A.~A  " i (if meaning? (entry-word item) (entry-meaning item))))
         (p " [1-~Aq]: " n-choice)
         (nlet itr ((query (read *query-io* nil nil)))
-          (cond ((and (numberp query) (> query 0) (> (1+ n-choice) query))
+          (cond ((and (numberp query) (< 0 query (1+ n-choice)))
                  (if (= query correct-answer)
                      (incf (entry-ok-count e))
                      (incf (entry-ng-count e))))
-                ((and (symbolp query) (string= (symbol-name query) "Q")) (return))
-                (t (p "~&Please type number of the choice or Q for quit.~%[1-3q]: ")
-                   (itr (read *query-io* nil nil)))))))))
+                ((and (symbolp query) (string= (symbol-name query) "Q")) 
+                 (return))
+                (t
+                 (p "~&Please type number of the choice or Q for quit.~%[1-3q]: ")
+                 (itr (read *query-io* nil nil)))))))))
 ;;; Auxiliary Functions
 (defun setup-dict (&key (fn #'sort-dict-standard) (file *dict-file*))
@@ -261,36 +252,51 @@
   (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
               (make-entry :word (entry-word e)
                           :meaning (entry-meaning e)
-                          :ok-count (or (entry-ok-count e) 0)
-                          :ng-count (or (entry-ng-count e) 0)))
+                          :ok-count (or (ignore-errors (entry-ok-count e)) 0)
+                          :ng-count (or (ignore-errors (entry-ng-count e)) 0)))
+(defmacro with-dictionary-io-syntax (&body body)
+  `(with-standard-io-syntax
+       (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+             (*package* #.*package*) ; 単語Symbolのホームは:higeパッケージです。
+             (*read-eval* nil))
+         (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve) ; 単語Symbolは大文字小文字を区別して扱います。
+         ,@body)))
 (defun read-dict (file)
   "Read dictionary data from a file."
-  (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-        (*package* #.*package*)) ; 単語Symbolのホームは:higeパッケージです。
-    (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve) ; 単語Symbolは大文字小文字を区別して扱います。
-    (with-open-file (in file)
-      (normalize-dict
-       (loop :for word := (read in nil in) :until (eq word in)
-          :collect word)))))
+  (unless (probe-file file)
+    (return-from read-dict NIL))
+  (with-open-file (in file)
+    (with-dictionary-io-syntax
+        (normalize-dict
+         (loop :for word := (read in nil in) :until (eq word in)
+               :collect word)))))
 (defun save-dict (&key (file *dict-file*))
   "Save the dictionary data into a file."
-  (with-open-file (out file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-    (with-standard-io-syntax
-      (dolist (word (entries-of *dict*)) (print word out)))))
+  (unless (probe-file file)
+    (ensure-directories-exist file))
+  (with-open-file (out file
+                       :direction :output
+                       :if-exists :supersede
+                       :if-does-not-exist :create)
+    (with-dictionary-io-syntax
+        (let ((*package* #.*package*))
+          (dolist (word (entries-of *dict*)) (print word out))))))
 (defun dump-dict (&key score-threshold)
   "Print the dictionary in CSV format."
   (let ((output (format nil "~{~{~A~^,~}~%~}"
                         (if (null score-threshold)
-                          (entries-of *dict*) ;score-thresholdが指定されない場合は全件
-                          (remove nil ;score-thresholdが指定された場合は絞り込む
-                                  (mapcar (lambda (e)
-                                            (if (<= (entry-score e) score-threshold)
-                                              e))
-                                          (entries-of *dict*)))))))
+                            (entries-of *dict*) ; score-thresholdが指定されない場合は全件
+                            (delete NIL ; score-thresholdが指定された場合は絞り込む
+                                    (mapcar (lambda (e)
+                                              (if (<= (entry-score e) score-threshold)
+                                                  e
+                                                  NIL))
+                                            (entries-of *dict*)))))))
     #-ABCL (format t "~A" output)
     #+ABCL (|showMessageDialog| |javax.swing.JOptionPane| nil output)))
@@ -324,7 +330,6 @@
                 (1 #\N)
                 (2 #\Q)))
 (defun prompt-read (prompt)
   #-ABCL (progn
            (p "~A: " prompt)

* 実践CLを読了

メソッド結合かぁ〜 よく考えたもんだなぁ〜

[[(ReadMore...) index.rb?1218973151.txt]]

* 2008-04-23 :

(start-timer 1.0 #'(lambda ()
                     (when (string= "T" *status-bar-format*)
                       (winapi:SendMessage (winapi:FindWindowEx (get-window-handle) 0 (si:make-string-chunk "msctls_statusbar32") 0)
                                           #x0401 1 (si:make-string-chunk " --/--(--) --:-- ")))))

* Common Lisp : xmls & s-xml と日本語

xmls で日本語を出力するには、write-escaped を修正する。
(in-package :xmls)
(defun write-escaped (string stream)
  "Writes string to stream with all character entities escaped."
  (coerce string 'simple-base-string)
  (when (eq stream t) (setf stream *standard-output*))
  (loop for char across string
        for esc = (if (< (char-code char) (length *char-escapes*))
                      (svref *char-escapes* (char-code char))
                      (string char))
        do (write-sequence esc stream)))
ただ、xmls で出力した xml はあんまり見慣れない書き方になるみたいなので使わない気がする。

s-xml の場合は print-string-xml に手を入れればいいと思う。
UTF-8で出力することが前提ならなら ASCII 以上は全部でも良いとは思うけど、文字コード・文字集合辺りはよく分からないなあ。(上のはASCII以上全部になっているし)

* 2008-03-05 :

More generally, an implementation of Common Lisp has great latitude in deciding exactly when to expand macro calls within a program. For example, it is acceptable for the defun special form to expand all macro calls within its body at the time the defun form is executed and record the fully expanded body as the body of the function being defined.
で、例えば defun での関数定義時にマクロを展開することもOKと書いてありました。

* Common Lisp : 文字列中のエスケープシーケンスを解釈する

とりあえずできた。REPL では動作確認できた。
要 cl-interpol。
SANO さんの情報がなかったらどうにか interpol-reader を使えないか、悩んでいたかも。サンクスです。
[[(ReadMore...) index.rb?1204642645.txt]]

* xyzzy : gtags.l


(defun count-line(beg end)
  (if (eql beg end)
    (1+ (- (save-excursion
             (goto-char end)
             (when (eql (preceding-char) #\LFD) (backward-char))
             (goto-char beg)

(defun expand-file-name (file &optional (dir (default-directory)))
  (merge-pathnames file dir))

[[(ReadMore...) index.rb?1196394719.txt]]

* editorパッケージのbuiltin関数